My works are created on the base of photographs. In part, I incorporate different photographs and geometric elements into one picture, thus developing very complex works, analogous to the condensation that currently manifests itself everywhere in our lives, for example in the sensory overload, but also in the dense building development in the country and in towns or in the partly chaotic political situation in various countries. These works are printed on different media and shown either as an installation (also with light) or as single or multi-element pictures. Since the end of 2014, I have also been exhibiting my photographs as lightly edited works. Here again, the multi-layered, condensed and extremely chaotic, the reflection, the depth, the special light situations and scenes is what captivates me over and over. The visitors keep telling me my works have an incredible depth and such a fascinating density that you can look at them anytime and always find something new in them. This is exactly what my work is all about: the observer of my pictures should become aware, in the confrontation with my work, of how his or her current condition influences and determines his or her very own point of view on this particular day. The first impression of something not always says the most about what is important to us, sometimes it is essential to let several aspects of an event or a person have their say. (translated by Lucia Sollami Bützer)
Awards, Grants, Nominations & and Sells
Contribution to a Work by Kanton Schwyz
Contributions to the exhibiting activities of the space for culture "Atelier R6" by the Canton of Schwyz, Bezirk Schwyz, Community of Arth, Community of Steinen, Schwyzer Kantonalbank, Erica Stiftung and private Sponsors
Sell of Irène Hänni's books "Rare Views / Seltene Impressionen. Goldau 2021 ISBN 978-3-9524833.3.6 and "Reisefieber, trotz allem Goldau 2021 to Nationalbibliothek, Bern
Contribution by Community of Arth, Arth, Switzerland
Contribution by Schlossverein, Zwingen, Switzerland
Nominee Palm Art Award 2020
Contribution by Cultural Commission Canton of Schwyz, Schwyz, Switzerland
Contribution by ZPK, Zurich, Switzerland
Nominee Palm Art Award (certificate of excellence)
Nominee Muba photo award, Basle, Switzerland
Contribution by Schlatter Fonds, SGBK, Basle, Switzerland
Sell of the artist's book "Aus der Traum", 2011 to the Universitary Library, Basle, Switzerland
Contribution by Community of Arth, Switzerland
Sell of 3 silkscreen-prints to the cultural commission of the canton of Schwyz, Switzerland
Sell of 9 silkscreen-prints to F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. Basle, Switzerland
Since 2024
SIYU Professional Photography Switzerland
Since 2023
SBF Schweizer Berufsfotografen und Filmgestalter
Since 2017
Basler Künstlergesellschaft
Vereinigung Fotografischer GestalterInnen vfg
Since 2012
Visarte Zentralschweiz und Schweiz
Since 2010
Schweizerische Gesellschaft Bildender Künstlerinnen SGBK
Since 2005
Kunst Schwyz (Kunszt)
Since 2004
Forum Künstlerbuch Basel
"Kunst macht sichbar" (art makes visable)
Project by Andreas Weber due to 125- years of Visarte Zentralschweiz
find more:
"Frauen im Bundeshaus" (women in the Bundeshaus)
Project of Swiss Society of Female Artists SSFA due to 50 years of the Swiss Women's right to vote
find more: Frauen im Bundeshaus
"Skizzen aus dem Lockdown" (sketches out of a lockdown)
Project by Andreas Weber
mehr unter:
"Das grosse Heft" (The big folder)
Project of Forum Artists'books Basel
Idea: Marianne Vogler
Exposet at Schloss Pratteln 2018 as well as at Trotte Arlesheim 2021.
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of Swiss Society of Female Artists SSFA due to 50 years of the Swiss Women's right to vote at Canton Basle-Stadt
Exposed at the courtyard of Rathaus Basle and at the courtyard of the church Kleinhüningen
"A Word for a Play"
by Sara Bernauer and Franziska Glozer
Exposed at Regionale 13 in Kunsthaus Baselland and FabrikCulture Hegenheim
Armed Amor, 2012, by Irène Hänni
pigmented Inkpint on China Paper, knitted, in folder-box. 47 x 35 x 14 cm.
My contribution to the Exhibition "Mein Wort - mein Kleid" (My word - my dresss) with Forum Artists's books Basle at Galerie Maison 44, Basle
Publications (German, Selection)
find more: artist's books